And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28, KJV).
There is nothing inherently wrong in the common translation of this major, familiar and meaningful verse but we often miss the deeper insights of faith-giving implications of truth woven into the promises found in this verse.
We often make this verse about “things” when the truth is far more powerful and life changing. We diminish the powerful and incredible direct attention, responsiveness and work that flows gracefully from the extravagant love of our Heavenly Father as Almighty God upon our lives by making this verse about concepts of good feelings, things and outcomes that we as created beings long for.
The truth is much deeper as to the point and purpose of this verse. The greater context of the verse revolves around our purchased and secure relationship as heirs and children of God through the redeeming and interceding work of Jesus Chris as our Savior and the Holy Spirit as the Comforter in all things. Thus the days that make up our lives are really not about good things coming to us or even having faith to perceive things as good. This verse is also nestled directly in thoughts and truths regarding suffering throughout our lives and the unwavering involvement and care of the Holy Spirit in all things including suffering. Suffering is seldom evaluated as good in our fleshly understanding but going deeper in our faith as children of God. We must seek to understand Heavenly Father’s love upon us and His working through and in all things by His Spirit alive in us.
Thus we give Him all our things and all our days that He might do His work in and on our hearts of clay with His masterful hands as the “Potter” who knows all things and crafts us as His masterpiece as we yield to Him.
The truth is and will always be, faith is not about things being good but about knowing and trusting God to be the good in all things. Thus our lives are not about things being good or bad and trying to make sense of them but about living in God’s love and letting Him work in our lives through all things for His purposes. God is in the good in all things because He is good at all times in all things.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28, NIV)
Suggested Reading … Romans 8