Letting the Author finish His work …

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God (Hebrews 12:1-2, ESV).

It is a simple fact that our Christian faith begins with Christ as the Author of our faith by and through his death and resurrection. There is no other basis for believing in Christ as our Savior … if He did not die for our sins and rise from the dead to give us power, abundant and victorious life, now and for eternity. Yet, He came and desires to be the perfecter and finisher of our faith as well. Thus our life of faith begins with Christ and continues as engages, teaches and perfects every detail as He completes the book that becomes our life on earth that we will then carry with us as we come perfected by His grace into His presence and rest for eternity. Christ is the Author and Finisher of our faith having perfectly completed each page and each chapter of the book that be written as our life.

It is so sad that many people who might profess Christ as the Author of their salvation, will at the same time not come to Him or yield to Him access to their lives … much less even allow Him to touch the pen to write, redeem and perfect their emotions, their temperament, their self-centeredness, selfishness and inability to wisely understand the things before them. Thus Jesus Christ as the Author of all things cannot bring the Holy Spirit to many of the descriptive pages of those that profess Him in their lives. Without access to the pen of our lives, Christ cannot release His love and our lives do not reflect much of the “Fruit of the Spirit” or the guiding and redeeming touch of His creative, restoring or wonderful workmanship.

Our Savior never envisioned or purposed that His followers would simply believe in the salvation He offers as the Author of their faith, not also let Him be the one that would complete, perfect and finish all matters and events in their life of faith. Faith as a believer and follower of Christ is not a onetime emotional or mental decision, acknowledgment or event. Our faith in Christ must be in all that He was and is and will forever be. The fact that Christ is not dead means He is alive to be with us, help us and most of all to perfect what we cannot do as we let God’s complete His workmanship in us (Ephesians 2:10).

We will not have dynamic and powerful faith, unless we trust Christ in all things and at all times, as we simply obey Him in all things and at all times by listening to His Spirit as we let God have His way with us through Christ as He remakes us into His masterpiece. We must release the pen of our lives into the hand of Christ, so that He may be, the Author of our faith as well as the Perfecter and Finisher of all things and all times until we come into His presence for eternity. Only when we let Christ as the author, finish and perfect our moments, our pages and the chapters of the book that will become our life … will we find the days of our lives filled with the hope, love and joy that only Christ can bring.

Suggested Reading – Hebrews 12

Not a thing you do but a place you go.


“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” (Psalm 46:10, ESV)

      Amidst the compartments of time, work, priorities, intentions, passions, humor, interests and activities that fill up our days, can we find extra time to do another thing? Amidst our collections of mementos, odd little items of paper and poems with numerous souvenirs stacked up or boxed away, how many more things will we do that will yield more assortment of the things we did, now remembered. Are we what we do? Do our lives add up to what we have done or who we are in the things we do?

      Where along the journey of our days upon the earth, which will ultimately be recorded in the memories of others, do we find and refine the core of who we are? It is easy to do things we love that are of little substance and easy to get caught up in the swirl of activities running the spectrum between work and relationships. It also difficult to refrain from doing things we feel are obligations and commitments.
In this busyness of doing, we add more and more doing. Even in our faith, we can have a tendency to make this vital basis for our living, a thing we do. Faith, which we may claim as central to our living thus joins the countless other items on the shelves bending with the weight of all the things we do and call our living.

       God calls us to relationship. It is a redeemed relationship. He is not thing we do among all the other things we do. He is Father we go to for all peace, need, comfort and grace. A Living Son who walks alongside of us in all of our days with hope, redemption and restoration and a constant, consistent and empowering Counselor for every moment along the way. He dwells from a place of love as we go Him in prayer. He waits from a place of grace we carve out when we are still before Him and desire His will. He gives from a place of benevolence when we come to Him in need. He heals from a place of mighty strength as we trust and obey. He teaches from a place of truth when we go to Him for wisdom.

       Our faith is not a thing we do but a place we go to find, wait and dwell in our Heavenly Father’s love. Before Jesus Christ could ever do a single thing, He went and spent time in the presence of His Father in communing prayer and in the midst the vast demands of His ministry, He walked away to go to a place where His Father waited for Him. Before all things and in the midst of all things, our Living God and the relationship we have with Him, must be the place we go for all things.

“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went to a solitary place , where he prayed” (Mark 1:35, NIV).

Suggested Reading … Mark 1