God is greater than what we think, feel or understand!

“We must love God in more than just in our thoughts about Him or in what we say about Him, we must trust Him and His steadfast love in all we believe and do! We know His Spirit moves over His Word to steady us and guide us and upon this truth, we can rest completely assured in our faith. Our hearts may reel and labor as they fuss and agonize over all we cannot control but is the Almighty God not greater than all we feel … does He not know all things?” (1 John 3:18-20, Paraphrased – srm).

As human beings living on this God-given earth … we mostly live, function and respond to what we see, feel and think we understand. It is the human default position to basically trust in our own human capacities to see, feel and to trust as we react, plan and function in our daily living. Thus we shift between times when we are thoughtful and purposeful and times when we are swamped by our feelings in the unexpected and the things out of our control. Some people are more orderly and do much better in planning and directing their living while others function are more fluid and are more apt to live in a spontaneous responsive way.

Whether we as individuals rely on more on our thinking processes or more on what we feel, we will all at times be at a loss in understanding events, situations or the predicaments that we find ourselves in. Some these events, situations or predicaments happen because of our poor choices and lack of planning but some just happen to us. We can become overwhelmed with anxiousness in these times as we are in a quandary, not knowing what to do or being pushed directions that we would rather not chose to go. We can be consumed with emotion and feelings in these times of heaviness as the burdens of uncertainty and unknowing threaten our capacities to live and function. If the predicament comes from our own choice, we can be immobilized by guilt and regret.

Where do we go in these times? As people of faith, we must live and abide in our faith. We must trust in our God who is greater than all the things we are facing or dealing with. Faith can and will carry us through and beyond these times of uncertainty, emotional straining, doubt, and our inability to understand, direct or control the possible outcomes, Our hearts may reel and labor as they fuss and agonize over all we cannot control or understand but we are “Children of God” and our Heavenly Father is greater than all we feel! We are His children, now and forever! He works in the things that do not seem possible in our seeing, feeling or understanding. We can secure our hearts and minds upon the rock of His steadfast love. Pour out your heart to Him, appeal for guidance through His Word and trust in the grace of Christ which sufficient in all ways and for all times. His grace will carry you through this day and all the days ahead.

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! (1 John 3:1, NIV)

Suggested life-giving words from the Bible … I John 3

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